Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Wrapping Up Very Late And/Or Very Early Depending On What Season You Are Referring To

"Better late than never
But never late is better"

So.  Tim won last season!!!  Congratulations!!!

Frankly, I forget if that was the photo he wanted me to use or not, there was drinking involved in the trophy ceremony.

So.  That's that.  Now for the elephant in the room:

I have to skip at least this season.  Judging by the lack of clamor about this new one starting I'm not the only one.  But my loss of faith in the electorate has seeped into the Voice voting as well and I am serious when I tell you that, though my love for each and every one of you remains strong and vital, the thought of doing this makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up, and not in a good way.

We did watch the first night of auditions yesterday.  We may watch more.  I doubt very much that we will be watching everything because Blake/Gwen is already infuriating the lovely Debbie.  I took small comfort in the Appalachian kid not getting anyone to turn and the meanness of that feeling made me sad, but there we go.

So anyway, have a great season!  If anyone wants to run one this year feel free!

We'll always have Music Boxx,
Brother Pat


  1. OH, I FORGOT!!!

    Ed, we have your trophy for you as well for the next time we see you!

  2. Pat, Erin and I were talking about it, and we completely concur. I need what little energy I can muster up to scrawl badly worded postcards at our elected officials, and to watch Man In The High Castle as training material on how to resist.
    Congratulations, Tim and Ed!

  3. I think I'll deflect all congrats to Tim... Way to go! I just watched the finale from last season (and I have no idea why).

  4. I’m late. Did I miss anything?

    Congrats, Tim. We never met. And your photo doesn’t work on my computer evidently. So if I saw you on the street the only way I would recognize you would be if you carried the trophy around with you. So if you could please do that for me, I would appreciate it.

    Let me know what happens.

  5. My bad, I think I messed up inserting the picture. It should be right now....

    Do you miss the trophy?

  6. I miss everything.

    But, yeah, the trophy, too.
