Friday, October 23, 2015

Battles Week Two (WAY too late to need a spoiler warning!)

“Look at the men that you’d call uncle
Having a heart attack around your ankles”
                --Elvis Costello

Hi!  I apologize for the delay this week, my back went out on me Monday afternoon and though you would think that three days in bed would leave plenty of time for a comprehensive recap well, I agree in theory but in actuality that clearly was not the case.  I ended up watching Monday’s show without the lovely Deb and I have to say that my enjoyment of The Voice was hampered despite very high levels of self-medication. 

First things first – team names!  Ed will be able to accommodate those into the standings at the top of the scoreboard page so get ‘em in or I’ll make one up that is not likely to be your favorite.  So far I have names for myself and Jim.

I’M A BLIND JOE MAN!!  Loved it when Blake said “should I be callin’ you Blind Joe?”   YES YOU SHOULD!  Singing “Old Time Rock n Roll” was boring but Blind Joe’s little exclamations in between every line that Red White and Blaine sung were hilarious, though I grant you might not feel that way if you were on the other end.  Another debatable steal at best from Adam after the Blind Joe victory.

I was unironically THRILLED that No One Is To Blame by Howard Jones was chosen as a song because it remains one of the very best songs of the 80’s and I love it.  But part of the reason that the dumb steals piss me off is that they prevent anyone from stealing actually good singers.  Like Lyndsey Elm my sweet princess who totally won the Howard Jones battle with Braiden (I look like a creepy animatronic teddy bear) Sunshine yet still got dumped at the curb because Gwen picked that very moment to make a stupid stupid choice.  Even Jim would admit Braiden should fall into a cistern somewhere before he becomes a killing robot and takes out an innocent family rather than winning that battle.  I hate Gwen right now.  I WON’T FORGET YOU LYNDSEY.

Jim and I matched up again in the Andi/Alex and Chance Pena battle of some Lady Antebellum song I don’t know or remember.  NBC was once again caring enough to spare me any kind of suspense by clearly letting us know neither party was going anywhere beforehand (WHY DO YOU KEEP DOING THIS???) so the only thing I had to wonder about was whether I would have one point or two.  I think Chance has a much better voice than I’d realized before plus has that whole old crooner vibe going without the burden of only being able to croon.  The twins win the battle but in the long run I believe that Blake is going to appreciate his second Chance.

Someone has to be feeding Blake bald lines.  There is no way he has seen or heard of Powder and I’m doubtful he knows anything about Blue Man Group except the name. 

Carson was back in form with the six-to-eight syllable intro for each singer, I think the best was during Pharrell’s battle between Evan McKeel (The Virginia Rocker With Church Roots!) and Riley Biederer (The Ex-Gymnast Turned Pop Singer!).  This was also a one team battle with Gina M going up against Gina M.  Another good but overdone so ends up ho-hum battle song we’ve heard too often (Higher Ground) but it was sort of sweet how they each wanted to be more like the other.  The reasons for Riley being an ex-gymnast were pretty clear too since she grew up to be about Evan’s height and size.  You can’t be a tall gymnast, not a good one anyway.  Anyway, Gwen stole Riley which was stupid but I guess you need a fallback to put your best people against in a knockout.

There were a couple other TSAVFL team vs TSAVFL team battles:  Deb had Amy Vachar go against Jubal and Amanda.  You know my feelings on the proposal but Amanda was clearly thrilled about it so I’m an asshole for pooh-poohing their love and OK with that.  That battle resulted in Deb’s only loss in the battles, she was 5-1 which was good for 10 points and a share of the early lead.  On the opposite extreme we had Erin v Erin with Emily Ann Roberts against Morgan Frazier.  I called that battle for Morgan both pre- and post-song so of course Emily Ann won.  For once I was glad to see a steal because I liked Morgan and also because this was the only battle where Erin got any points and it would have sucked so bad to see her down to just one singer after the first round.

Adam during the Viktor Kiraly/Cassandra Robertson battle:  “there is no difference between a one-chair turn and a four-chair turn”
Blake:  Yeah, keep on thinking that.

So!  We are through the first round and there is a tie at the top:  Jim and Deb with 10 points, both of them 5-1 with all wins.  But, Gina T had what may be a first, ALL SIX OF HER TEAM MADE IT THROUGH, putting her right behind with 9 points.  Ed and Gina M both ended up 4-2 with 8 and 7 points respectively.  Tim and I follow at 3-3, worth 5 points for Tim and 4 for me with a win and two steals.  Erin is at my heels with the 3 points from her last battle.

Next week – the knockouts begin!  Time to start nailing down your bonus picks!!  We’ll be way more prompt with the recap too.  Until then,

Keep TSAVFL’in’,

Brother Pat


  1. I would have been pissed if I were Blaine (That's not a name. It's a major appliance!) Blind Joe’s interjections were the best part about the song and stomped all the hell over anything Blaine did. And if he’d have tried that he would have looked like a dick.

    No One Is To Blame is certainly one of the best Howard Jones songs. Now that I think of it, it’s the only one I can think of. You just keep on dismissing Mr Sunshine. I will turn your mocking into triumph. Hopefully.

    Which one was Lyndsey, again?

    Hah, second Chance. Good one.

    Carol was totally confused by the Powder reference. She's thankfully oblivious to bald jokes. Almost no steal has been reasonable this year. The article GinaT sent around should have made me feel better about it, but it didn’t.

    I think Amy Vachar is awesome. If you want my advice... well, I have none. She’s just dreamy.

    I know Viktor Kiraly was my first choice. And he’s won. And I’m sure he’ll do fine in the knockouts. But... something is bugging me about him. He has a Nights at the Roxbury vibe. That’s totally unfair. I’m sure he’s great.

    How do the knockouts work again? How many steals do they get, 2 or 1?

  2. I hope your back is fully healed up for this week's Knockout Battles! You're going to need your full strength!

    This week definitely had some stressful and head-shaking moments. Those team on team battles were brutal (even though I wasn't in them). I do remember though, that I felt bad knowing that I was sticking Debbie with her team on team battle during the draft. They had shown highlights of the Amy vs. Jubanda battle in the recaps from the blinds. So, I apologize for knowingly sticking it to you, Deb.

    To all the rest of you, you're welcome. If I had been overcome by guilt and taken Amandal, then Deb would have gotten Cassandra instead. Which means... oh damn... she got eliminated too. I guess I did nobody any favors. I'll just have to live alone with my guilt.

    In other news... Team Names are now posted on the Scoreboard. Sorry, but I have a lot of hard-coded elements that are driving off of our people names, so the only place for me to quickly put in the Team Names is at the top of the page. Fear not, some of you have randomly generated team names as placeholders. I'll update to your chosen team name as soon as you're ready!

  3. I hope your back is much better, Pat!

    It was so unfair to pair Blind Joe against anybody (he is super charming and funny, and his exclamations were totally pulling focus), so I'm glad Blaine got stolen just for that reason.

    Losing Lyndsey was heartbreaking...

    Oh, that song with Andi&Alex/Chance. The WORST.

    I like how John Fogerty told a story about "Mr. Springsteen". More stories, Mr. Fogerty!

    Did someone slip me some crack cocaine, or did Cole and Nausea (I can't remember how she actually spells her name, so my apologies) duet on HIT ME BABY ONE MORE TIME?! Blake, c'mon, man!!

    So happy about Morgan!

    My team name is an homage to my official drafter, and my OG fantasy leaguers: Team Fluffy Bookworms! (Although I'm tempted by your placeholder, Ed!)

  4. Ditto on the back well wishes, Pat! Thanks for doing the recap even though you were down for the count - they make the show more enjoyable.

    Ed, I love my randomly generated team name. I'll keep it!

    I bought a loser trophy last week and I have to say it's quite something. . .

    1. I will pass your love for your name on to the Random Reality TV Show Name Generator website.

  5. Debbie's team name is "I Wanna Win Like Jim"

    1. I forgot to tell you, your team name has been updated. Cheerio!

  6. I suppose I should just admit it now. I sold my soul to Carson Daly.

    And it is glorious.

    Become one of us, Deb. You probably won’t regret it.
