Friday, September 30, 2016

Let's Start Talking Draft Day!

"Reluctantly crouched at the starting line"
                               -- Cake

A couple notes:

First, we will be down to seven teams this season as Tim has to take a break that we hope is temporary because I count on him to draft people that are going to be out early and now there will be more of them for me to draft instead.  I thought about trying to find a one season replacement but then got distracted about something or other.

Secondly, next Monday and Tuesday will finish up the auditions and we will need to draft before watching further.  As always I suggest the upcoming weekend of October 8th/9th so let's see what times during that weekend are out for people and we'll go from there.

Finally -- so what do you think of Alicia/Miley?  Any contestants that stand out?  Any you want to fake promote in the hopes someone else will take?  Let's chat!

I don't think any of you will be surprised to hear that Debbie loves Alicia Keys, possibly because she and Pharrell are the same person, I'm still checking that lead out.


I love each and every one of you.


  1. You'll be (temporarily) missed, Tim! Wait, I mean that I think you'll be back. Not just that we'll miss you for only a little while.

    Pat, have you put any thought into what we'll do with undrafted contestants since we'll have seven teams of six contestants each? That'd be 42 which means that 6 contestants will go undrafted.

    - leave them undrafted
    - Everybody gets seven except the last person. That person gets an automatic number of points equal to the average points gained by contestants in Season 10 (or something).
    - The last person gets to draft one contestant that was drafted by somebody else.


    1. Yes, we'll miss you, Tim! Erin, does Langdon want a team again? As a young person, I'm sure she's over it, and into pokemon hunting or snapchatting the presidential debate or something cool like that.
      I like Ed's option 3. Erin, Langdon and I had overlapping teams the first time we did it.

    2. I don't think she's even watching the Voice this season (I KNOW). Truth be told, I'm fast forwarding through all the back stories this time around (I KNOW).

  2. Right now, I could do after 12pm on the 8th and anytime on the 9th.

  3. I can do after 7pm et either day. Might be able to do other times as well - depends on the munchkin and steve's availability.

  4. Sunday Sunday Sunday.

    I like that one guy. The one with the thing. He's intriguing.

    But that's about it.

    Or is it?

    I think everybody should get 7 picks except for whoever won last season. But, be warned, if I am handicapped 1 singer and I still win? I will be insufferable.

    Yes, even more insufferable. That is in fact a thing.

    Hummingbird Lightfoot & the Braiden Fucking Sunshine

  5. So it looks like Sunday works for all of us? Why don't we shoot for 8pm Eastern/5pm Pacific on the ol' Slack channel?

    Let me know if that is problematic.

  6. OH! Forgot! I'm going to figure out the draft order early and post so you can plan accordingly.
